Before and After

Before and After

Doesn’t have to mean an epic makeover

Or a big weight loss

It doesn’t have to mean a drastic life change

Or a new hair colour


In between Before and After

Can simply be a decision

To look at yourself and see something new

Yet something that was always there

That you might have judged before and see it now with kindness

After can be as simple as

Choosing to see your own beauty


{and if you’ve love some support in this kind of journey, come join me for the Be Your Own Beloved online class}

Selfie News

she listened

As we’re heading towards fall and a brand new session of the online version You are Your Own Muse I’m starting to get oh so obsessed with self-portraits again.  This has been a summer of non-selfie classes…with both The Chakra Photo Workshop and Montage running right now.  But as I start to prepare for next weekends YAYOM workshop and the fall online session, I’m finding myself engaging in turning the camera on myself even more and it feels really nourishing to do so.

Some other selfie-centred things happening right  now:

The first ever in-person You are Your Own Muse Workshop is coming up next weekend!  Hosted by the Whistler Arts Council, we’ll be gathering in the gorgeous town of Whistler, BC, Canada.  The workshop still has room….just in case you spontaneously feel like joining us!

This self-portrait above is my contribution to this month’s triptych over at She is Three, a photo collaboration with the fabulous Deb Taylor and Jennifer Deville! Come visit us over at She is Three where we’ll be sharing our stories behind each of our photos throughout the month!

I’m also loving the new self-portraits that Leonie Wise is sharing over at her blog lately.
Have you been turning the camera on yourself lately?  Whether it is your first or your 150th self-portrait…feel free to leave a link to your flickr or blog. I’d love to see what you are creating and cheer you on!

Family Time

Brilliant sunsets

Wild plants on the shore

Family kayak/sailing adventures

Jumping and swimming in big waves

Feeding seagulls at sunset

BBQ and patio suppers with the whole family

The sweetest nephew ever, doling out the sweetest little kisses to us all

Painting Arlo’s big toe nails, and one finger nail…just like his auntie’s nails

The best golden hour light I’ve ever seen

This week finds me in Southampton Ontario, a place we always went to stay at a cottage each summer growing up and where my parents now live.  The whole family is gathered here this week.  My brother from the East Coast, my sister and her family from Portland and myself.  The week has flown by but its been pretty darn lovely just to have this bit of time together.

How’s your summer going (or winter if you’re in the opposite hemisphere)?

feeding the seagulls at sunset
golden hour grounded in the grass

West Coast Wanderings

beach bliss 2
This past weekend I had a pretty lovely chance to go to a place I had never been, the long beaches and gorgeous west side of Vancouver Island, staying in Ucluelet, British Columbia.

I lived on the island in Victoria for many years, but never found a chance to get up island that far so when my super lovely friend Jo invited some friends to join her in staying at a friends place up there I jumped at the chance.

What I think made this trip extra lovely for me was that I had no expectations as I had never been there.  I was just looking forward to getting to check out this new place so everything became a bonus.

Gigantic Ice Cream at the most incredible store that had a grass roof and goats wandering on it?  Bonus!

A stop in the gorgeous Cathedral Grove and a solo stroll in these incredible big redwoods that had me emerging from the woods with a smile so big that it hurt my cheeks?  Double Bonus!

Cathedral Grove

We also did more exploring of the area than I expected.

We hiked around the Lighthouse Loop in Ucleulet,

Explored Long Beach and watched lots of Surfers
long beachsurfers

Then another day they rented surfboards (I’d love to take a surf lesson some day but this wasn’t the right time for it) and I wandered Chesterman Beach (my favourite beach we explored) picking up shells and even having the time to shoot a few selfies.

beach bliss
chesterman beach

Tacos at Tacofino, seriously delicious coffee at Tofitian and lots of exploring of the town of Tofino.  Heck yes!

It was indeed an adventure that hit the spot and I’m sure this won’t be the last time I explore that part of the country.

How was your weekend?

Dear 35

best shared

Dear 35.

I’ve been nervous about arriving at your doorstep.

You are a number that gets tossed around, especially for us women, as an age where our fertility heads downhill.  As a single lady who feels like being a mama is part of her life path, it was feeling overwhelming to have you near.  As though I’ve failed at something by reaching you childless, though I know in my heart that is not true at all.

I’m starting to realize though, that you are not so scary after all.

The 30’s so far have been my favourite decade of life yet, so I shouldn’t doubt that you would follow its lead.

Now that you and I are hanging out for the next 360 days, I’m holding onto hope.  I have a few big dreams I’d like to take action on and I most definitely need hope in order to get me towards them this year.  Plus, it feels like holding onto hope and having faith is exactly the right course of action.  Right now I’m on a trip on Vancouver Island to Ucluelet and Tofino and I brought along a tarot deck.  We’ve each been pulling a card each day and last nights card, the star, spoke of how I feel about you 35.  It reminded me to have faith in the future.

On the day you and I became one 35, I gathered with a few friends and giggled our way through breakfast, including sharing a brunch brownie, 4 forks nibbling away at it.  I got my first ever mani/pedi (evidence seen in the above photo) and then gathered again with a few friends for some pizza, gelato and sunset walking.  It was a simple, lighthearted day that really felt like I could live in the moment.  I’m hoping that is a sign of what is ahead for this year.

So, 35.  I don’t know what is ahead, but I’m going to follow the cards and hold onto faith that you and I have each other’s best interests at heart.

Love Vivienne