Category Archives: Light Hunting

January Light Hunting


In the city I live in, the words grey and winter are generally intertwined.

So when a day like today happens, when morning fog covers the city but then shifts to wide open blue skies, it is something to be savoured.

I had to get out for a wander even though with Soulful Gathering starting on Monday and another super secret (and very exciting) project due soon, I probably should have been attached to my computer all day.  I figured I needed to practice what I preach in my photography and video classes and step away from the computer.  To just make space for some exploring.  To fill up my creative well.

I wandered down to one of my favourite places to shoot nearby, a big factory turned art studio with gorgeous grafitti.  Near the building is a beautiful community garden too so going on a photo walk down there gives me a perfect combination of urban and natural beauty to find.  It did exactly what I hoped and I came home with a filled up memory card and my creative well filled up too.

Here are a few bits of todays light hunting and beauty seeking:

east vanthawinghaving fun with my shadow. its not every day you get to see it so strongly here in the winter.bamboo bokehparker st studiosurban growthlight hunting

Changes are Afoot {starting with a Pay-What-You-Can Sale}

a moment of rest

Changes are afoot.

I’ve been thinking about the evolution of E-Courses and of my business for a while now, jotting notes in my journal and brainstorming the long term plan for my business.

Never in all those notes did I expect to feel the urge to make a big shift in what is at the core of my business.  In the big picture, in my ‘Be Yourself’ Business & Life Plan, it makes sense of course, but I’m having a big clarity moment on some changes I want to make in the business.

Hence the fear and excitement.

The knot in my stomach.

Feelings of ‘Who am I to’

and panicked urges to give up.

I know these feelings well and that they aren’t actually signs that I should pack it all in and stop.  I know that they are clues that I’m pushing myself beyond my comfort zone, that I’m on the right track even though in the moment they sure feel mighty real.

So, I know this is a bit cryptic in terms of what is ahead and what changes are afoot.  One thing I can indeed share right now is that I have been offering a super wide variety of courses in 2012 and while I have loved teaching them, I won’t be offering many of them in E-Course form anymore!

One of those is Light Hunters!

Yes, my beloved Light Hunters…I love light hunting fiercely and believe in the approach of this course and E-Book.  I don’t plan to totally leave Light Hunters in the dust, but do plan to let it evolve as it needs to.

Which so far I know means that I won’t be offering it as a monthly E-Course anymore.  But before the era of the monthly Light Hunters offering ends, I wanted to offer it up for the month of November.

For the November session I’ll be offering Light Hunters at a special rate.  One that you define!

The suggested price for the class is $39 but I wanted to put it out there for its final month at a Pay-What-You-Can Rate.  So, you get to define the rate you’ll pay for this session!  You can pay the full price, or pay what you can!  You are also welcome to gift the class to someone else if you’ve taken it already and want to spread the love!

The course includes 30 days of prompts in your inbox, each day starting November 1st.  Participants can share their images in the course Flickr Group and on the last day of the month they receive the 36 Page E-book!

You can join in on the Pay-What-You-Can Light Hunting for November here:











Add to Cart

Or find out more on the Light Hunters Page!

Morning Light

I’m back home from my trip, but most definitely still on East Coast time.

Rising early makes me happy though, so while making coffee this morning I decided to do something a bit different.

I poured my coffee into a travel mug, grabbed my camera, and headed out for an early morning stroll around my neighbourhood.

Despite being an early riser, I don’t know early morning light as well as I do other types of light and how they relate to my camera.  So todays stroll felt like an invitation to get to know it better.

It was blissfully quiet in usually oh so happening neighbourhood.  Most of the day there are people strolling around, folks hanging out on their front porches, working in their gardens, bikes happily speeding by, people walking dogs and just generally neighbourhood goodness happening.  I adore that about this area but I also really love this quiet glimpse of it.

So I’m daring myself to keep this going for a bit.  A low pressure stroll, just taking in the light and the world around me.  While usually morning is my prime work time,  I definitely have a tendancy to spend the first half hour surfing the net, reading trashy celebrity gossip blogs (not so fond of that habit, but i confess it is true), so I’d love to make better use of that slowly waking up time…at least while the light is so beautiful and summer still feels very much present.

Do you know morning light well?  Perhaps you’re out there walking your dog in it each day or are fast asleep until the sun is much farther up in the sky?

So, here are some glimpses of this mornings stroll:
my hipster coffee mugsunshiney morningmorning walk around my neighbourhood

An Evening Stroll

How about you?

Have you been capturing evening light too?

I’d love to see some of your images if you feel like linking to them in the comments!