Perfectionism or Resonance…Which are You Choosing?


Oh perfectionism.

How many people are you stopping from picking up their camera to capture the beauty around them.

Or within themselves.

With your standard of what our photo ‘should’ look like to be enough, to be worthy of being shared, to feel validated in taking it.

But the truth is, you can only take us so far.

Instead of you, perfectionism. I’d rather ally with Resonance.

With that feeling you get when you experiment and capture a photo that you couldn’t have planned out, but that feels like it tells a story you haven’t been able to put to words yet.

That feeling of taking a selfie and smiling back at the person looking into the lens at you, and not cause everything is ‘just right’ but because they feel like a friend.

Perfectionism limits us before we even begin.

Resonance opens doors, has us standing side by side with ourselves rather than against ourselves.

So perfectionism, I’m sorry, but now that I’ve gotten past your hold, I can’t turn back.

Seeking resonance has so much more to teach me, even if it does take courage, even if it doesn’t always look the way I want it to. Because it guides me by how I feel, from my own inner source rather than external perceptions of ‘enoughness’.

To let down the wall of who we think we should be and meet ourselves anew.

And yes, this might involve taking more photos than we’re comfortable with to get it.

Yes this might mean having lots of outtakes.

Yes it might mean stepping into the unknown.

But that’s where the beauty of life happens, in the mess, in the unconditional.

Where ‘enoughness’ is asking to be our greatest teacher.

In the space beyond perfectionism’s control.

I’ll meet you there.


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