Our Body Stories


One of the biggest realizations I’ve found through taking self-portraits is being able to begin to notice what the stories I have about my body are.

Because before, I just took them to be truths. That my body was ‘too big’ or my hair was too thin or my belly was too bloated. Really, anything that includes the words TOO and compares ourselves to others is a big sign that it is a story.

Because all bodies are good bodies. All bodies are inherently worthy.

The way we define ourselves in comparison to others or to a societal standard…those are the stories we hold about our body, our enoughness.

Realizing that these things I held as truths were actually stories was a wake up call. Because if it wasn’t a truth, if it was an interpretation of what is enough that I’d made to feel as though it was the truth…it could change. 

And the camera? Well, it brings up those stories. It is vulnerable to let ourselves be in images. We may be able to walk the world without those stories arising but then it feels like they await us in an image. It can even feel as though images are ‘proof’ of those stories. But it is BECAUSE they arise there that it’s also a platform for re-writing them.

In all the Be Your Own Beloved classes we step into being the narrator of our own story. We listen for our own voice outside of our inner critics voice.

This March, I’m offering a powerful 15 day program inviting you to acknowledge and reclaim your body stories. In this class we will:

  • Re-Connect with our body and it’s wisdom through the act of taking our selfies and integrating body awareness and mindfulness into the moment we take our selfies inviting in connection rather than disconnection
  • Begin to notice and acknowledge what the stories we have about our body are
  • Explore the way we can change our body stories and begin to let go of the critical stories that no longer serve us
  • Listen and strengthen our own voice of how we see ourselves, outside of our critics voice. We’ll notice the spaces that our inner critic is loud and make room for compassion there.
  • Invite in non-judgement and neutrality around our body.

Plus, when you register, I’ll send you over a worksheet to get started on pondering your body stories even before class begins!

This is an invitation to listen deeply to the voice inside us that might be whispering alongside a loud inner critic, but it’s there…that voice saying “I don’t believe that story I’ve held about my body anymore…and it’s time for a new one”.

This program isn’t about seeing our bodies completely anew in 15 days, but is about having a whole new way of seeing ourselves in only 15 days, but what we will do is wake ourselves up to the stories we’ve been judging ourselves by for a very long time and open ourselves up to the idea that they aren’t the truth.

They are indeed stories.

They are permeable, changeable.

They can be re-written, when we become the narrator.

bodystories250Let’s be the narrator of our own stories, and choose stories that treat us the same way we’d treat a beloved! 

Join me for Body Stories! Class starts March 1st (only 1 more week).