Body Stories E-Course


What are the stories we believe about our bodies?

What if they weren’t true…especially those ones your inner critic has invited you to believe?

What if you offered yourself space to step back and acknowledge what you have taken to be true stories about your body (perhaps even with photos seen as proof of those old stories). What if the camera could also be a tool for re-writing those stories?

In the 15 Day Body Stories Class we step into our stories. We notice what is our inner critics story and what is our own. Throughout the class we use tools to step away from our inner critics story and begin to re-write our own body stories.

Through daily selfie activities we claim a new visual story and step into the possibility that our inner critic has been wrong all along.

This is an invitation to listen deeply to the voice inside us that might be whispering alongside a loud inner critic, but it’s there…that voice saying “I don’t believe that story I’ve held about my body and I’m ready for a new one.”

We are claiming these 15 days as space to listen, through the tool of selfies, to the person looking back at us and listening closely for that voice.



In this 15 Day Class We Will:

  • Re-Connect with our body and it’s wisdom through the act of taking our selfies and integrating body awareness and mindfulness into the moment we take our selfies inviting in connection rather than disconnection
  • Begin to notice and acknowledge what the stories we have about our body are
  • Explore the way we can change our body stories and begin to let go of the critical stories that no longer serve us
  • Listen and strengthen our own voice of how we see ourselves, outside of our critics voice. We’ll notice the spaces that our inner critic is loud and make room for compassion there.
  • Invite in non-judgement and neutrality around our body.


Welcome in the space between the old stories leaving and the possibility of new stories.

We’re not demanding that we LOVE ourselves unconditionally right away and it isn’t about achieving self-love perfection or selfie perfection. It’s something completely different. It’s about reclaiming our own voice of how we see our body, letting go of old stories and welcoming in the possibility of a non-judgemental relationship with the person in the photo and in our lives as a whole.

This program isn’t about seeing our bodies completely anew in 15 days, but what we will do is wake ourselves up to the stories we’ve been judging ourselves by for a very long time and open ourselves up to the idea that they aren’t the truth.

They are indeed stories.

They are permeable, changeable.

They can be re-written, when we become the narrator.

The editor.

The kind listener.

The growing voice of compassion.

We re-write the truth of how we’ve seen ourselves all these years as we begin to deconstruct the ‘story’ element of the way we see our bodies and will start to choose the story we want to define our body love by.

In this program we’re listening to our bodies stories and honouring them. We’re making space for the elements of our body we hope to make peace with throughout this year and honouring all our body has done for us.  We’ll deepen our well of self-compassion including the places we don’t yet see ourselves with kindness.




What you’ll need for class:

  • A camera of any sort. iPhones and Androids (or camera phones of any sort) are most welcome. As are point and shoot cameras or DSLRs. No fancy gear or camera skill required, just a willingness to be inquisitive and have fun with your camera in the process!


Dates: Class Runs May 1st-15th

The class is only available as a part of the year long Body Peace Program.











What kinds of selfies will we be taking?

We’ll be taking a variety of selfies during the program. Much like with Be Your Own Beloved we’ll start gently with exploring parts of ourselves being in the photo (like our hands or feet) as well as shadow and reflection selfies and will ease towards full body photos. The prompts, of course, are different than Be Your Own Beloved!

How much time do I need each day for the class? 

The prompts are designed to take only a few minutes to read and then about 5-10 minutes to take a selfie. I’ll remind you regularly that these aren’t about taking fancy selfies that you need to take hours for. It’s about showing up for ourselves in front of the lens and going for it.

You mentioned it’s about accepting our body as it is…what if I’m on a weight-loss journey right now or am planning on changing my body?

Yes, we’ll be exploring the idea of body acceptance but that doesn’t mean you have to 100% accept your body here and now. What it does mean is that we’re going to work on seeing our bodies in these photos with compassion during this month and not save compassion and love for ourselves until we have changed or are in a different place with our bodies. Because honestly, our critic is going to follow us through our change so why not work on making peace with it no matter where our body is at? It’s about releasing self-judgement and letting our worthiness not be all about our size or shape, but about claiming our inherent worth no matter what.

My inner critic doesn’t show up when I take selfies and I love capturing photos of myself. Can I still take the class?

If you take selfies with ease and never have your inner critic show up and curate what you share…awesome! But in that case, this class probably isn’t for you and you may find yourself thriving more in a more artistic based self-portraiture class or another program. This one really is for folks who struggle with taking selfies and resist being in images (which by the way…is where most of us fall)!