Showing Up With Love

sending love
When I’m teaching an e-course, especially a brand new one, I find myself not blogging about it very much for some reason.

In many ways, when we are gathered in this really incredible community energy in an e-course, I don’t know how to describe it to folks who aren’t a part of it (other than it is a love-fest) and I suppose in a way I like to keep the sacredness of it.

There is something incredible that occurs in these spaces.

Re-writing the Story is running right now and it is happening.

That magic.

When people show up collectively in a creative endeavor.  When they show up for each other.

Before I ever started the first session of YAYOM I asked a friend “Should I put parameters around what they can share?”  “Will people gather who are so different they might not get along?” “Will people leave unsupportive comments?”   I decided not to put parameters around it and just to trust that whoever came to the class was meant to be there and would want the same kindness given to them as they would put out.  I have never ever, not even once, seen a comment in one of my classes that was insulting or disresepectful or mocking.

Quite the opposite.  It ends up being beyond just being kind.

They show up with love.

And oh my do they show up.  That is part of the magic of this being about self-portraiture too.  Because by even taking and sharing a photo in the class we are showing up for ourselves, standing in our light.  Over these past few years I’ve been brought to tears by the way the participants inspire and encourage each other.

In this class, Re-Writing the Story, in particular,  I’m inviting the participants to show up for themselves with that same love.  To see themselves as they would a brand new friend, seeing all of the promise and goodness in that person.

I thought I’d share that invitation with you today (and with myself).

To show up with the love that you give to others in your life.

To look at a self-portrait you’ve taken, or even a photo that someone took of you.  Or look in the mirror and give yourself the encouragement and love you give to your friends or creative cohorts.

Will you join me in this little act of self-love today?