Tag Archives: self-love

Dear 36

Dear 36 Everytime I sit down to write these letters reflecting on the past year, I always feel like I have nothing to say at first and have  a “Really…did anything happen this year of note?” moment. Here is our letter from last year: Dear 35 Of course, once I start writing, I remember (which...

Making Peace with My Belly

A few weeks ago I took a super quick trip to Portland for the Body Respect (Healthy at Every Size) Workshop.  It was hosted by the wonderful gals at Be Nourished and led by Linda Bacon & Lucy Aphramor, two prominent thought leaders in the Healthy at Every Size movement. It was AMAZING.  I went for reasons...

Outside of the Comfort Zone: Volume 2

Since writing the first ‘Outside of Our Comfort Zones‘ post, this has been on my mind more than ever! It seems as though by starting this series, I’ve given myself an unintentional DARE to get outside of my comfort zone as much as possible! I keep on catching myself trying to back into feelings of...