Category Archives: Photo Essay

Bringing our Stories into Focus

Is it time for you to create the space through self-portraits to let your story be told?

To un-invite the stories that don’t serve you and not let them be a part of your new relationship to your self-image?

To get quiet with the camera and listen for the new stories that want to be told?

Or to let one of those beautiful stories in the blur to come into focus? 


Her Story


I had a pretty incredible morning doing my Mentoring Session with the fabulous Kelly Rae Roberts and Beth Nicholls as part of their Hello Soul Hello Business course.

Those of you in the course will get to hear it at some point and the way that they invited me to see my business in some new ways was totally powerful in the moment and I know will have ripple effects in the way I see my business from this point on.

To be honest, I’ve been feeling mighty emotional throughout the session and ever since. It felt beautifully vulnerable and that these 2 women really see the potential in what I do in ways that I haven’t let myself see. I won’t share too much about the mentoring session directly at this point but one big thing I took from it was to invite ‘more of me’ into my business.

As well, I was reminded of why I do what I do.

Which is because only a half decade ago, I felt so incredibly lost in my life. So sad and with a loneliness that I knew no one else could fill up. Only me. By becoming my own best friend.

Photography as a whole came out of that and all the work that I do really is speaking to that woman, 5 years ago, who wanted to find happiness again. Who wanted to dream bigger than the mediocrity she thought she deserved. Who wanted to heal and to see the beauty in herself and in life once again.

So inspired by all that I’ve learned today in my Mentoring session, I felt called to let her, the me from 5 years ago, speak in the images.  This is especially for you reading this who are going through rough patches or struggling to see the beauty right now or you who have been through something similar.  We’ve got to trust that the biggest lessons come from the rough patches and indeed they make us stronger.





Look at Yourself with Love


In a big way, this is what self-portraiture is all about for me.  It is building that relationship about how I see myself and allowing myself the opportunity to show up in front of the camera and tell my story as part of re-building that self-love.

Come join in for Be Your Own Beloved for other tips and activities to help you see yourself with kindness!  Class starts soon!