Who’s Gaze Are You Seeing Yourself Through?


Who’s gaze are we seeing ourselves through?

That’s the topic of our very first activity in the Take Your Selfie for Yourself E-Coursestarting this Monday.

So…who’s gaze are we seeing ourselves through?

I wish we could all say “My own gaze” and have never doubted that. I wish we were never taught how we should or shouldn’t be in a photo. I wish we were never told what a ‘good photo or a ‘bad photo’ is or were taught to place our value on our body.

But we were. So when we pick up the camera, we are met by all the ways that we are taught to see our bodies through societies gaze. Every time we see ourselves through a critical lens, that’s the external gaze of enoughness put upon us. It took me a long time to learn that myself…that when I would see something in a photo that I struggled with…that was the external gaze trying to define my worth. My belly’s worth. Or my backs worth. Or the worth of my bare arms.

Thankfully, we can unlearn this. The more we wake up to how we’re seeing our body through a lens of external validation, the more we can return to our own internal validation. 

Because we don’t have to earn it.
We don’t have to change ourselves to be worthy of it.
We just have to be willing to accept it…our inherent worth.
To except that all bodies are worthy bodies, including our own.
And that the more we SEE our inherently worthy body, the more we’ll be able to wake up to it’s worthiness.

A powerful thing happens when we stop prioritizing the desire to be approved of by others, by external validation and start approving of ourselves, start feeling SEEN by and for ourselves.

But there comes a point in most of our body acceptance path where we have to make this choice, where it becomes too toxic to keep trying to please others and the choice to please ourselves, to witness ourselves, to SEE ourselves, to hear ourselves…becomes the clear choice.

Come join me for this powerful class where we explore seeing ourselves through our own gaze …I loved teaching this one last year and seeing the shifts it helped people make in really choosing their own worth rather than constantly being on the rollercoaster of finding our worth externally.

Come join me for Take Your Selfie for Yourself and let’s choose ourselves. Class starts Monday! 

There is also a session of Be Your Own Beloved coming this August if that’s a better fit for you (it’s a more beginner-friendly class). If you’re not sure what is the right class for you, don’t hesitate to click the contact form and connect with me!