Little Adventures

You are Loved

On this weekends adventure to Washington State, even though it was just a day trip, it was fun to just engage in the energy of travelling, even if only for the short time.

One of the things I love about getting out of town is the unexpected, the in between moments.  The bits of time in between plans where you can just look up at where you are and take a little self-care photo walk.

Just wandering around a town I don’t know makes me seriously happy (with my camera of course).  Something about being in a place I don’t know brings up the energy of acutely noticing, of just seeing with new eyes.  I especially love taking these little photo walks because while being in a car is a much easier way to travel, just getting feet to ground in a new place makes me really feel like I’m experiencing a place, not just seeing it rush by the car window.  I had 2 little bits of adventuring at the start and end of saturday’s photo adventure and in each of those short stretches of time I went on a little wander just to see what might catch my eye.

In Bellingham, just after getting off the bus I spotted it, this patch of tall grass with yellow flowers across the street. I wandered over there and couldn’t resist putting down my iPhone and using the Gorillacam app…stepping into the frame to capture some photos of this day of adventure.

Off on an adventure today!

Then, off on the grand adventure away from the rain, through the mountains to the sunny forest that I shared a bit about in yesterday’s post.  At the end of that beautiful day I ended up needing to change my travel plans and found myself taking the train home from a town I had never been to: Everett Washington.

After getting my train ticket I had some time to spare and while the town looked pretty industrial in that area, I felt drawn to wander around a bit on a photo walk.  I headed up the hill and there it was, this gorgeous mural.  It was kind of the last thing I expected to find in that moment.  This week in Be Your Own Beloved we had been seeking out messages of love (hearts, words, notes) as reminders to cultivate self-love and I smiled big when I saw that there at the bottom it was…the words ‘You are Loved’.  It was a beautiful reminder that wherever you are, there is indeed love.  Here are a few more iPhone captures of that sweet little one city block photo walk in Everett!

I found myself in Everett, Washington catching a train home and went on a lil' photo wander and found this beautiful reminder. #beyourownbelovedOne more! This one, adding a bit of selfie-flirty for todays prompt in#beyourownbelovedMore from that awesome mural in Everett, WashingtonThis made me smile. Creatives...get in here already!Have you found that too, that sometimes it is the little in between moments, the unexpected explorations that really add something special to a trip?