Tag Archives: body image

Our Body Stories

One of the biggest realizations I’ve found through taking self-portraits is being able to begin to notice what the stories I have about my body are. Because before, I just took them to be truths. That my body was ‘too big’ or my hair was too thin or my belly was too bloated. Really, anything...

All of You is Worthy of Your Love (belly, rolls, curves & folds included)!

I went out for a photo walk in the garden I always go to, in a dress I had recently thrifted that felt like a second skin. The sun was out and I was aflutter with excitement about my upcoming trip. As well, the garden was quiet. It’s often filled with gardeners…though while strangers, I totally adore...

Stop Telling Us How to Take Our Selfies

I mean it.  Stop it. I bet you think you’re helping us, right? Because selfies are going wild these days and everyone seems to be taking them. Tons of them. You’ve gotta reign us in and let us know the do’s and don’ts of taking selfies. But you aren’t helping us. You are shaming us....

Weekly Selfie Tips – Remember to Breathe!

Remember to breathe? Breathing is pretty inherent, right? You might be thinking “I’m pretty sure I’m doing that when I’m taking a selfie” but next time you take one or when someone aims a camera at you, check and see if you’re holding your breathe. Cause it’s very likely you are. Here’s why. When we...

20 Posts to Inspire your Self-Love Path!

As 2014 comes to a close, I like to gather up all the posts I shared here at Be Your Own Beloved over the year that explore the core message I share here: Seeing Yourself with Compassion which of course includes body acceptance, healing our relationship to our self-image, cultivating self-love and self-care and talking openly about...