Tag Archives: self-portrait

Tips for Taking Self-Portraits in Public!

So, we’re out on a photo walk or on an everyday adventure and we see the perfect spot to take a self-portrait with our camera or iPhone, but….there are people around!  Do we take the photo?  Do we move on?  What will they think we’re up to? These questions come up a lot in my...

Is Using a Filter on Your Self-Portrait Hiding?

When we use filters on our selfies as we share them online…are we hiding? Are we using those filters to mask ourselves? Or are they artistic expression? Is using a filter a bad thing?  Is it more ‘truthful’ to not use a filter? When I started teaching Be Your Own Beloved, these questions came up...

2013 in Self-Portraits

Starting last year, I’ve done a little end of the year collection of self-portraits looking back on the past 12 months and what story these photos tell me about the year individually & collectively.  Here is last years collection! As I mentioned in last year’s post, a big part of this journey of self-portraiture is...