Workshop with Alexandra Franzen


Oh my.

This past weekend was INCREDIBLE.  I hopped on a train down to Portland to attend a writing workshop led by Alexandra Franzen.  Now, I’ve been super inspired by her work for a while now and knew that the workshop would be useful to attend…but it really was so much more than just useful.

I feel like I have more confidence as a writer.

That I have permission to find places of ease with writing.

That I can stand more boldly in my words in places like my about page, or a bio.

That I can let more of my personality and quirkiness out in my words.

Oh, and that I definitely need to write a manifesto.

It was also a really incredible collection of people at the workshop.  Women who are just starting out in their creative or business adventures, lots of established business gals, life coaches, artists and more.  There was so much giving and support even on the first day that we all met.  It was hosted at Kelly Rae Robert’s gorgeous Soul Shine Studio and Kelly Rae and I were in awe of how much the weekend felt like one big radiate session where as one person spoke, the others focused in on them with encouragement, support and ideas.

Oh my…and Alexandra is SO skilled at that by the way.  She has a way of taking your own words and saying them back to you in a way that invites you to stand a bit taller in them, let yourself shine a bit more (and has you scrambling for your pen to jot down what she just transformed your own words into). If you have a chance to go to one of her workshops at some point, I highly recommend saying YES!

Here are a few more glimpses of our lovely weekend (and of Soul Shine Studio).

Soul Shine Studio


I’m super excited about some upcoming events this fall, one of which Kelly Rae & I are both teaching at…the awesome Soul Sisters event.  You can register here or find out more here (and if you sign up through the website, tell them I sent ya)!  There is truly an incredible line-up of teachers and going to events like these is truly transformative.  I hope I’ll get to meet you there!