A New Article in Artful Blogging!

The new August issue of Artful Blogging just came out and I had started getting messages from folks who read the article I had in it…so I knew I had to go seek out a copy!

So I headed out to find it yesterday and came across it on the shelf of a nearby Chapters store.  While indeed I have been in other publications by Stampington before, I’ve never been in Artful Blogging and I’ve been reading and buying this magazine for many years now, so this was a real treat.

I know I’ve had lots of magazine goodness happen this year (and if you’re reading this feeling “Oh Viv, not another one.  When is it my turn to be in a magazine” I wrote this recent post for you)!

Each magazine has been a first it seems.  My first time doing a photo shoot specifically for an article, my first cover photo.  This one was a first too…and not just my first time in Artful Blogging.  I was amazed to see my name there on the cover.  What?!  Dude…my name on the cover?

Seeing it there it hit me really hard (I might have been near tears in a bookstore, yes its true).  It got me in that place in me that knows that remembers that I didn’t believe in myself for a very very long time.   It felt really healing to that part of me to see my name there and a really good reminder that its worth the risk to put yourself out there in the creative world as you really never know where it can take you if you just try.

I had seen a PDF proof of the article, but it is so different seeing it in print.  One other part of the article that really got me teary was seeing that quote above they chose to highlight, encircled by my photos.  The article is, to a large degree, about my journey of feeling really lost and finding myself again through self-portraiture.  Somehow seeing that quote and the article as a whole, while it wasn’t my intention….felt like a bit of a message back to the me of 6 years ago.  Who didn’t know where she was going at all, but showed up photo by photo in hopes of finding her way.

And this article is for you too, if you’re feeling like you don’t quite know where things are taking you, its an invitation to engage in the story of your life through photographs.

I hope you’ll pick up a copy of Artful Blogging (cause its an awesome magazine) and I hope you enjoy the article!