Getting through the Grey Tips

wide arms to the water

Now for more tips for getting through the grey!

This week I’ve got a couple of photography related ideas for you.


Participate in December Views-

For many years now I have participated in Darlene Kruetzer aka HippyUrbanGirl’s December Views.  December Views is all about taking and sharing images on your blog, with no pressure.  Joining in on this always gives me the freedom in this busy season to slow down a bit.

When I saw that she was running it again this year I thought that it was something I needed to mention as a way to get through the grey, to feel part of something and to get inspired to take out your camera.


Get inspired by Your Surroundings and what is fabulously wintery about them-

I just came across these great tips for Winter Photography.  I love the positive approach of the article, especially the idea that you can indeed photograph sunrises in the winter even if you aren’t an early riser!


A Getting through the Grey Giveaway!

As well, I wanted to let you know that the Girl’s Guide to Gear and I decided to do a giveaway for Getting through the Grey and it is happening right now!  They’ll be choosing a winner tomorrow so be sure to enter soon if you’d like a chance to win the spot!

The sharing has begun in the class flickr group and class starts Monday!