Tag Archives: selfie self love

Claiming Space at the Beach

Yesterday afternoon and evening my lovely friend Sylvia and I headed to her favourite beach outside of the city, one I’d been excited to check out ever since I heard of it. The tide was high so we sat in beautiful (and surprisingly warm) waist deep ocean water blissed out at the fact that we...

Introducing the Selfie Starter Guidebook

I’m super excited to share that the Selfie Starter Guidebook is here! I really wanted to create something for those folks who might be drawn to this work of taking selfies and seeing ourselves with compassion, but aren’t sure where to begin. Or have lots of questions that feel like they are in the way of...

6 Ways to Notice Your Body Stories

What are the stories we believe about our bodies? What if they weren’t true…especially those ones your inner critic has invited you to believe? What if you offered yourself space to step back and acknowledge what you have taken to be true stories about your body (perhaps even with photos seen as proof of those old...

Introducing Body Peace!

I’m beyond excited to finally share what I’ve got planned for the Be Your Own Beloved workshops this year. Introducing the Body Peace Program! This is a year long journey to make peace with your body using the tool of self-portraiture to shift from a critical to a compassionate relationship with your self-image and self-esteem. It...