Tag Archives: body image healing

Our Body Stories

One of the biggest realizations I’ve found through taking self-portraits is being able to begin to notice what the stories I have about my body are. Because before, I just took them to be truths. That my body was ‘too big’ or my hair was too thin or my belly was too bloated. Really, anything...

Making Peace with My Belly

A few weeks ago I took a super quick trip to Portland for the Body Respect (Healthy at Every Size) Workshop.  It was hosted by the wonderful gals at Be Nourished and led by Linda Bacon & Lucy Aphramor, two prominent thought leaders in the Healthy at Every Size movement. It was AMAZING.  I went for reasons...

Introducing: Beloved Mentoring!

I’m SO excited to finally be able to spill the beans on something new I’ve been working on for a while now: Beloved Mentoring! It is an invitation to you to work one-on-one with me, exploring self-love through self-portraiture and seeing yourself with kindness through your camera. In the last year of teaching Be Your...