Choose Love


It begins with the choice.

To choose compassion over critique.

To choose love over hate.

Waking up and choosing love again and again.

Perhaps even using your camera to create a new lens to see yourself through.

Proclaim it. Say it aloud.

But don’t stop there.

Live it.

Commit to the relationship even after the honeymoon stage. After proclaiming your love gives way to the rest of the relationship. Where you are left with all the work that needs to be done to keep this relationship thriving.

Don’t leave when it starts to feel damn hard and when you can’t imagine it getting any better.

Say yes to yourself the way you would to your life partner.  Through it all.

Know that it’s worth the work. That you are worth the work.

Allow the process of changing this pattern to take as long as it needs to.

Notice the small changes that give way to this slow but sacred change.

Learn that you are and always were worthy of this love.

Don’t give up on yourself.

Show up again and again until you…

Meet your new normal.

Settle into it. Notice the open space where self-critique once lived and the way your shoulders now feel lighter from the heaviness you carried.

Know that there is always going to be ebb and flow, good days and bad ones. Don’t see it as a failure but instead let it deepen your commitment to this lifelong love affair.

Choose Love.

Again and again and again.

Choose Love.

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