14 Days of Self-Love ~ Day Four: The Practice of Self-Love by Lori Portka

Lori Portka is an artist who creates colourful, story-rich images that speak right to the heart.  What I especially love about her art is that she has translated them into products like prayer flags or her Gratitude Card Deck that invites us not just to admire it as art but to engage with it daily as her reminders are definitely ones I know I need to hear regularly!  Lori is sharing her gorgeous art and some great tips for Self-Care!

I think I’ve lived much of my life in a state of overwhelm. I’ve often felt like I should push harder, be faster and more assertive. I was trying trying to turn my highly sensitive self into a Type A personality. I was forcing extroversion when my creative heart craved more peaceful solitude.

Now I know that I do not have to mold myself into something that I am not. I am learning how to be really sweet to myself. I know that when I am the most loving to myself, I am able shine with love for others.

Here are 5 of my favorite self-love practices that nurture me exactly as I am. They are simple and easy and make me feel cared for and respected.

-I pee when I have to pee. This sounds crazy but I noticed myself holding it so that I can keep working or shopping or whatever. But it’s uncomfortable and unkind, not to mention probably not very good for my bladder. So I go when I have to go now- even when it means getting up in the middle of a class or excusing myself from a conversation. My basic needs come first.

  • I have lots of hot drinks throughout the day in beautiful handmade and anthropologie mugs that I adore. A warm mug is comforting to me. My favorite for the afternoon is lemon and ginger hot water. It feels like a small act of self-love. And it reminds me of how grateful I am to work from home.
  • I make sure I have time alone. I know that my level of anxiety and overwhelm is much lower when I give myself time to recharge.
  • I avoid violent or super stressful movies, including the news. Several months ago husband talked me into seeing War Horse. It devastated me so much that I was kind of embarrassed to be wailing in the movie theater. This super sensitive part of me is creative and open-minded and gentle. I wouldn’t have it any different. So I protect this part by steering clear of watching violence.
  • I wear only clothes that I feel good in. There are two parts to this- I wear clothes that I look good wearing, but also that feel good on my body. No more scratchy sweaters. No more buying clothes because they are on sale but I do not love them. I have less clothes overall now, but more clothes that I absolutely love.

I certainly don’t have this whole self-love thing nailed down. I’m still learning. But self-care has become one of the top priorities in my life. It is connecting with beautiful like-minded women who also practice self-love that has brought me to this place- way more self-love than I ever had before.


Lori is a full-time artist with a mission is to spread happiness.   Her designs appear on greeting cards, prints, calendars, prayer flags and magazines internationally.  Lori is also the creator of A Month of Thank Yous, a beautifully uplifting gratitude kit.  All of her artwork is made with an open heart and the intention to spread love and healing.  Her website is: http://loriportka.com/