From Chaos to Peacefulness

east van peacefulness

Something happened last weekend that shifted my week majorly, in ways I didn’t expect it to.

I woke up Saturday morning, turned on my computer for a weekend full of work and noticed something was most definitely wrong with it.

I swiftly backed it up and headed out to the Mac Store for some advice.

It became clear that this wasn’t a little problem and mere hours later I found myself standing over my computer, removing its casing and installing a new hard drive.  Now, I sure can appreciate techno geekiness in others, but it really isn’t a skill I have so it was mighty scary to do it myself.

So here I am at the beginning of the week with an even longer to do list (as this consumed all my work time) but with a computer that has been, well, cleansed.  In order to not bring back the problem onto my new hard drive I’ve had to not just load it back up as it was but to bring back only the data and programs that are necessary.

This has been surprisingly fabulous.

My computer essentially had a cleanse, and like any physical cleanse, it makes things shift.

Somehow cleaning out all that clutter in my computer and whatever was creating some trouble, it took some of my brain clutter with it.

It took my gremlins and some not so nurturing computer distractions I’ve had.

As I sat down to work this week I felt clear and gremlin free.  What a treat, though it does make me even more aware of how most days of the year I’m sitting down to work swatting gremlins and self-doubt away like I was being swarmed by bees.

Mighty refreshing to have some respite from it.

Now, of course we can’t just clean out our computers like that all the time (and I know that it seriously sucks when this happen and we lose data or photos) but it was a really nice outcome of a bit of computer chaos!

Has this ever happened to you?  Getting rid of some chaos and mess (even if it isn’t fun) ends up giving you unexpected feelings of freedom?  I’d love to hear about it.