14 Days of Self-Love: Day 2 ~ Andrea Schroeder


It is possible to love yourself so much that you become unwilling to do anything that dulls your dreams.

It is possible to not just listen to your heart, but make it your boss – in every aspect of your life.

It is possible to take your dreams so seriously that they become your #1 priorities.

It is possible to take everything that doesn’t make you happy and remove it from your world.

It is possible to support yourself doing only the things you love most.

It is possible to wake up and bounce out of bed, excited about this amazing day, every day. What makes all of this possible?

Radical. Self. Love.

Self Love becomes Radical when you put it into action and live like it’s true.

But. Be honest.

Does this sound selfish to you? Or far-fetched and impossible? Or maybe you think others can have these things, but not you?

I’ve tried to write this post so many times. I keep deleting and re-writing and it is becoming clearer and clearer to me, as I try to write about radical self love, that the most useful thing to write about is what gets in the way of Radical Self Love.

What makes it seem selfish? Or impossible?

Inner critics, small scared selves and various monsters, goblins and gremlins.

Inside of you you know that everything I wrote above is possible. Deep in your heart you know that you are here to do amazing things. You know that you sparkle and shine in a way that no one else can. Those dreams that live in your heart? They are needed out in the world and you know that you have the power to bring them to life.


But. All that stuff gets in the way. Feeling like it’s selfish to put yourself first. Being afraid that it’s all impossible anyway. Having very real obligations and people and things to take care of.

Somewhere along the way it became considered natural to put ourselves, and especially our hearts and dreams, last. Somewhere along the way it became considered natural to treat others with love and weird to treat ourselves with love.

This is not natural.

This is very far from natural.

It’s also not wise, fun or sustainable in the long run. But because it’s considered natural and normal and because there is so much, inside and outside of you, that holds these patterns in place you can’t just all of a sudden, with the magic of Radical Self Love, break free.

What you can do is start where you are. Bring as much Radical Self Love as you can into your day, starting right now.

And what you can do is work on the parts that you can work on: Inner critics, small scared selves and various monsters, goblins and gremlins. These things live inside of you and it’s not nearly as hard as you think to be the boss of them. To get them to settle down, play nice and even become your allies in bringing your dreams to life.

With that part done, dealing with the other stuff that’s in the way gets a lot easier. Locked doors swing open, secret shortcuts are revealed and your dreams are suddenly nowhere near as far away as they seemed.

I’ve got a kit that helps you harness the infinite power of your creativity and imagination to transform your inner critics, goblins and gremlins into powerful inner allies and in honour of 14 Days of Self-Love – I am giving one away! Right here, right now.

Leave a comment below saying what you could do, if you had Wise Inner Allies instead of annoying Inner Critics.

On Monday Viv and I will select a winner and you’ll get a free Transform Your Inner Critic Kit.

xo Andrea


Dream Incubator & Creativity Muse Andrea Schroeder has mastered the art of wish-fulfillment — and she’s doling out magic lessons (and dream journal guides, and supercharged meditations, and inspiring courses and DIY kits) at her virtual retreat center: the Creative Magic Academy.